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2020 March

Covid Update

Access Advisors is still here to help in these crazy times. Our staff are working from home in their own bubbles to help ensure they are safe and that the digital world is more accessible when we all get back to business.

Unite against COVID 19

Now that we have settled in for the next few weeks, we wanted to let you know that Access Advisors is still here to help in these crazy times. Our staff are working from home in their own bubbles to help ensure they are safe and that the digital world is more accessible when we all get back to business.

We believe all New Zealanders deserve equitable access to information, products and services, when it is safe of course. Now is a great time to think about how to improve your website’s accessibility ready for when full business services resume.

This is a time when your vulnerable customers, often those with access needs, would most benefit from having access to your digital services. Situations like this can highlight the inequity for people who use assistive tech and those with other access needs.

Access Advisors has a range of remote Services, like website reviews to find any issues you might have to help you reduce the inequity. We can also help you fix those problems with advice and support. Get in touch if you would like to discuss how we can help.

We wholeheartedly support the Government’s plan to lockdown and are sending best wishes to our Clients, research panelists and partners. To everyone, please be kind, stay safe, stay home and let’s kick this virus.