Helping make Aotearoa more digitally inclusive
Access Advisors is a team of experienced digital accessibility experts. We have a mission to help Aotearoa New Zealand become more digitally inclusive. We provide a caring, connected, capable and commercially aware perspective.
Our services are tailored to your business needs
We develop solutions with you that are specific to your organisation's goals. We help you to ensure that accessibility is built into everything you do.
From reviews and discovery to design, development and testing, Access Advisors can help make your organisation become more digitally inclusive. We also offer training and research with our research panel, all to help make sure our business is access ready.
Our Latest Blog Posts
Benefits of Artificial Intelligence
AI is a transformative technology with significant implications across various industries and sectors. Its relevance touches upon almost…Together we are Stronger
In a world where digital accessibility is often sidelined as low priority, redundancy is rife, and change is the only constant, our shar…(Digital) Fidget Toys
Fidget toys are now definitely more than just a passing trend. They are an invaluable tool for helping neurodivergent people manage thei…Access Panel
When you want to see the problems first hand we have a panel of disabled people ready to help. The Access Panel include people from around the motu with a variety of disabilities and assistive technology. We can also provide research facilitation and analysis.
Our Clients
Early in the development of the New Zealand Traveller Declaration (‘digital declaration’) we committed to developing a product that was accessible and inclusive. We engaged with Access Advisors to help us better understand what we needed to do to make sure the digital declaration and supporting information and resources met the standards required. Access Advisors worked collaboratively with us to create and deliver a digital product that we are all incredibly proud of.
Senior Responsible Owner, New Zealand Traveller Declaration, New Zealand Customs Service
New Zealand Traveller Declaration